What you need:
- Rice Krispie Treats (1 Box of Rice Krispies, Bag of Marshmallows, Butter)
- Fruit Roll Ups
- Candy for inside (Swedish fish, gummy worms, etc)
1. Make the Rice Krispie Treats following whatever directions you like. (We used the microwave.)
2. Flatten out a Fruit Roll Up and put the 'rice' on top. (Be careful, it will probably be hot.)
3. Put whatever candy filling you want inside the roll.
4. Tighten up the roll! You can use one of those bamboo mats like you use to make regular sushi or you can just use your hands.
5. Get a really sharp dangerous knife to cut through the rolls. If they are too warm/squishy leave them in the refrigerator for a while.